When demand for websites first became a business priority the supply chain developed in two ways. One was the technical route – because after all it is only about files, folders, code and functions. But that meant having to deal with someone who knew little or nothing about customers, writing good copy or how a website should match the needs of its owner’s marketplace.
The other way was for graphic design companies to offer the service as an extension of what they were already doing. They can make a site look lovely and read well – that is their stock in trade after all – but more than once I saw design and ad agency types in bookshops buying The Idiot’s Guide to Websites. A book in one hand and a spanner in the other, as it were.
But their offering has matured over the years and they are pretty much the go-to solution now. But if you want to use their services it’ll cost. Thousands.
Then there is the DIY route. There are many offers out there. Squarespace. GoDaddy. One Plus One. They all promise free websites. But they are stretching a point. Nothing is ever really free.
One, it’s never as easy as it looks. Two, you cannot have your own domain name – you will always be part of their domain. And three, there are always limitations on how you can edit and enhance your work. And you still have to work with text and images to get the right look and feel. Not everyone is comfortable doing that.
And I don’t like the idea of something which turns out to be not what it says it is at the outset. But if you’re feeling brave, good luck.